Australian Airports Association: Drones can bring operational and financial benefits to airports

15 March, 2018

Australian Airports Association (AAA), via its official YouTube account, conducted (14-Mar-2018) a webinar on developing a drone strategy for regional airports. AAA said drones could be used "rather than people... to save some money" at regional airports, for example for imaging purposes. "Drones can be used for the power of good", AAA said, however conceded there are "risks" involved. An overall summary of the webinar includes:

  • As technology advances, drones are becoming safer but more readily available to the public and commercial sector;
  • Suitable to be used commercially in more industries and fields;
  • Ideal for airport operators particularly for asset management, routine inspections and area surveys - subject to regulatory approvals;
  • Risks and hazards which, if not mitigated effectively, can have "catastrophic" consequences. But innovative countermeasures are being developed globally to address risk;
  • Through feasibility assessment and implementation, an effective drone strategy can bring both operational and financial benefits to airports.